Hold That Posture

Dear Yogis,

I’ve been wondering how I can support your practice at home. It’s hard to get onto the mat if you think in terms of an hour’s practice or doing a memorised routine. The important thing, as my teacher David Swenson always says, is to get onto the mat. That’s the first victory. OK, then what?

Find a favourite posture; one that suits you, one that your body appreciates, one that you’ve seen in a book, one that piqued your interest in class. Now, forget about the five-breath rule! That only came about when classes had to be hurried up! Father of Ashtanga Pattabhi Jois recommended various amounts of time for staying in a posture. I think he is quoted as saying that you don’t know a posture until you’ve held it for three hours! (Don’t these people have things to do?!) He would tell the story of his teacher, Krishnamacharya, lecturing while standing on him in Kapotasana. A lecture? That’s a long time! Please don’t offer up your services to local professors!

Manju Jois simply recommends taking more breaths in difficult postures. In the Rishi Series, for advanced yogis, you choose 10 poses and hold each one for 50 breaths. Perhaps, instead, you could think instead about holding a posture until you feel the body’s resistance easing. Gravity will gradually take you deeper, helped by your breath and relaxed nervous system. If you’re doing a posture that is difficult to hold, use bolsters, blocks, a Pilates ball, the wall or any other prop. Get rid of the clock and set an alarm instead. Counting by breath instead of minutes seems more yogic to me.


Rolfing with Alain is back from July 13th. Get in touch if you’re craving treatments.

Zoom Classes

Corporate classes are such a nice part of my yoga week and more attendees turn up online than in the office. People who never had time before are now touching their toes and chaturanga-ing in style! If you want to introduce yoga into your workplace, get in touch. Now might be an easier time to introduce it that in normal office times.

Otherwise, book an evening class here: goodtimesyoga.co.uk/book-online. It’s PayPal but let me know if you would prefer my bank details. No problem. Classes are a fiver or £12 for the week or a donation of your choice or, if you fancy private classes, £30.

Yoga in the news

Menshealth.com has: Here's What 30 Days of Yoga Did to This YouTuber's Body. He says: ‘"After a couple of weeks of doing yoga, I really thought it was going to get easier. However, it didn't," he says. "It was tough the entire time. But on the bright side, I could really see my mobility and flexibility increasing... I continued to make progress, and test myself, and push myself, every day."’

The Independent has: Gyms opening: What are the new rules and when will they reopen. Speaking to The Independent, Jonathan Sattin, founder of triyoga said… “It is important that people have a place that they can relax and unwind and for many, that is in a yoga studio or fitness centre.”

Fun Fact; "Arse" and "asana" have the same indo-European route. We use the word Asana to mean 'posture' but it actually, originally means 'seat'.

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