Read what some of my clients have to say about their experience with Good Times Yoga
I attend your yoga classes at Eden whenever I can and absolutely LOVE them!! :-) Please can you add me to your mailing list. If you ever do a day workshop or weekend retreat I would certainly be interested...In the mean time a big THANK YOU for your wonderful teaching and warm and calming presence!! I thoroughly enjoy your classes!!
“Tania’s classes are great. I always feel mentally and physically ironed out and happy afterwards.”
“Tania is always so welcoming and adaptive in her teaching style. Everyone from super flexible masters to complete newbies can have a good session. There’s never any pressure yet Tania always gave me good opportunities to develop and push myself. I love classes with her. I find her teaching style to be pressure-free and welcoming whilst also feeling quite advanced.”
“Thank you so much for your amazing yoga class last week. I have had such a bad back for almost 5 years and I woke up last Wednesday morning and my back didn’t hurt! I have had a pain free week and wanted to say Thank You!”
“Thanks so much for a great yoga session Friday. I am a yoga novice, but think your class is excellent. My neck can sometimes play up after a class, but I came away from your lesson feeling so much better than when I arrived! I can usually only attend classes in the late evening, but hope to join one of your classes again soon.”
“I absolutely love your classes and styles. Always look forward to your gorgeous class. Makes Mondays enjoyable after a day at work!! I just love the music you play so much.”
“I just travelled 18 hours and had some sleep but the first thing I did this morning was run to my laptop and open up your videos for a yoga session. Thank you for having those there for us travelling yogis. I still get to hear your calming voice after a day of flying.”
“Your enthusiasm shines through and makes each session better than the previous one.”
“I am happy to be building such a genuine and solid yoga foundation from such a respectful and inspiring yogi teacher.”
“I wholeheartedly recommend a yoga session with Tania after a hard day hunched over, staring at a screen. It forces you to unwind, stop and most importantly…to breathe…..She has the canny knack of adapting a session to the ability of the class and her encouraging, soothing tones make for a really invigorating experience. Tania is very faithful to traditional yoga practise but adapts and translates the postures into practical, everyday language that even the most junior level beginner could comprehend. Her classes are the highlight of my day when I attend and are so important for helping me manage my stress levels; something that has affected my health previously. To top it off, she has a wonderful sense of humour and I have never seen her without a smile on her face. Give it a try, you won’t regret it!”
“Great idea of the company to offer yoga to the employees”
“Helps to show the company really cares about employee well-being”
“One hour of yoga twice a week courtesy of the company is a great break during the day and I am sure our exertions will benefit our flexibility and general health”
“Tania has an excellent approach to leading the yoga sessions gradually building the exercises with our improving flexibility”
“Tania’s classes offer a perfect balance of physical exertion and mental relaxation that will leave you feeling euphoric for days”
“A thoroughly enjoyable experience that accommodates a wide variety of fitness levels. Not only will Tania’s classes challenge you physically but they will help develop your mental focus. Even as a regular gym goer I personally have found a new appreciation and awareness of my body which has resulted in an entirely new approach to fitness.”
“I think Tania is lovely. She is easy to talk to and is happy to work with all abilities. She adapts the sessions well to how we’re feeling and any injuries. I come away from her sessions feeling tired but very relaxed and happy.”
“Tania is a great yoga teacher who is aware of the differences in each of her students and is careful and patient in her response to everyone’s needs. I have seen really positive improvements in my core strength and balance since starting yoga classes with her.”
“Tania is a patient, friendly and often quite funny yoga teacher. For a beginner like me, this atmosphere is the reason I keep coming back. She’s very good at determining our ability level and tailoring the class accordingly so that everyone enjoys it.”
“Tania has a wide variety of Yoga experience under her belt. She adapts herself according to the strengths of her audience, and ensures they progress slowly and steadily. She always manages to provide personal attention even in a crowded class.”
“I have been attending Yoga classes with Tania for a year now, and have been enjoying every step of the journey. She gives great guidance vocally and also regularly encourages throughout the session. They’re fun and enjoyable, whilst also being a great workout of the mind and body. I manage to feel both energised after the session, but also have a fantastic sleep when I get home! It must be magic...”
“We have found it very beneficial; it helps fitness, flexibility and relaxation, especially after a long day stuck sitting at a desk.”
“Tania comes to our office twice a week. I had never done yoga before, but decided to try out a first lesson several months ago. She has inspired me to be a lifelong convert. She has great technical expertise, a warm personality and great teaching ability. She starts off with very simple stretches, and slowly builds your flexibility and confidence, until you are learning the more advanced positions. After a hard day’s work at the office, Shavasana, is exactly what you need to relax. I would strongly recommend Tania, as a brilliant yoga teacher.”