Really Relaxing Session
Starts sitting on a chair for Shoulder & Neck Sequence, Seated Pranayama, Standing Back and Hamstring Stretch. The rest is lying on the floor.
List Of Postures: Supine Leg Stretch and Twist, Second Twist for Lower Back and Quad/IT, Pigeon Pose, Inner Thigh Stretch, Hip Flexor Stretch, Supported Backbend, Feet Above The Heart, Supported Upper-Back Bend (Matseyasana), Relaxation. Namaste.
Stretchy, Twisty Class
(Two yoga bricks and a bolster preferable)
This 50 minute class starts with a standing hamstring stretch and finishes with a bolster, on-the-floor twist. (One yogi describes it as a ‘chiropractor twist’). Namaste.
Important Stretches
List of Postures: Wall 90° Angle for Arms, Shoulders and Back, Pyramid for Hamstrings, Quads, Banana Stretch, Supine Twist, 1/2 Happy Baby for Hamstrings, Pigeon and IT Band, Calves, Hip Flexor/Quads, Yin Backbends. Namaste.
Mostly Supine
(Bolster and yoga belt prefereable)
List of Postures: Circle Hips, Massage Back, One-Leg Stretch, Twists, 1/2 Happy Baby for Hamstring, Inner Thigh Stretch, Anti-Sciatica Pigeon Pose, Banana Pose, IT Band with Belt, Supine Twist + IT Band, Hip Flexor and Quad, Yin Backbend, Namaste.
Get You Ready For A Run
(Yoga blocks would be useful)
List Of Postures: Pyramid Pose, Wide-Leg Forward Fold + Inner Thigh Stretch, Quad, Sun Salutation +Calves, Pigeon Pose + Twist, Hip Flexor, Downward Facing Dog Twist, Arm/Shoulder Stretch + 1/2 Frog, Thread The Needle, Calf Stretch, Sun Salutation, Child's Pose, Savasana, Namaste.