Yoga And Feng Shui
/Dear Yogis.
The more familiar you get with yoga, the more sensitive you become to your inner landscape and the more tuned in you’ll be to the outer surroundings and your reaction to them. If your room is cluttered, if the lighting is unhelpful, if the very fact of Zoom’s electronic waves zaps your energy, that’s because the Feng Shui is wrong and it can be fixed. Yoga and Feng Shui are great cousins. Yoga concerns itself with your inner energy, Feng Shui with the energy of your surroundings. Feng Shui means wind and water; it’s a system of arranging our surroundings so that we can live in harmony with them.
Does the space you use for yoga make you feel happy? Is it uninspiring? I’m looking through Practical Feng Shui by Richard Craze for tips. First of all, about that computer! The Feng Shui of Zoom classes isn't necessarily bad. Craze says ‘anything from a TV to an electric kettle’ can ‘stir up dull Ch’i. (Traditionally, ‘mechanical devices’ have been associated with study).
Craze says: ‘when Ch’i is weakening or causing depletion of energy or life-force you need to introduce some element of life into an area. Pot plants are best, and those with rounded leaves are usually preferable’. Other ideas: a goldfish bowl or even an image of an odd number of fish, introduce soft lighting to dark areas, simple decoration in pale colours, mobiles, wind chimes, smoke from incense, an indoor fountain. Movement will stop things going stale.
Lastly, from an article called Feng Shui for Health and Energy, ‘Do not forget the old standbys for feeling better, because they still work: take a walk, do deep breathing, meditate, take a hot bath and eat well’.
Zoom Classes
Booking classes had a bit of a hitch recently. Can you make sure that the booking email is in your ‘White List’: I tried to book and found that I had ‘unsubscribed’! And don’t forget the Friday Ashtanga class today at 4.30. You can book/click here. See you later?
Yoga in the news
The Dubrovnik Times has: If you a yoga lover please don’t read this! It’s quite funny… for a bloke. “One of the reasons that yoga appealed to me was my work. Children today are deforming their backs by sitting too long and staring at the computers screens, meaning that the future generations will all resemble Quasimodo – the hunchback of Notre Dame. But children aren’t the only ones hunched over their screens, I spend the vast majority of my day in front of a blinking monitor. Maybe yoga could heal me?”
Scientific American has: Yoga May Bolster the Brain Regions Most Affected by Aging. ‘despite varied populations, three patterns emerged with some consistency: yoga practice could be linked to increased grey matter volume in the hippocampus, a key structure for memory; increased volume in certain regions of the prefrontal cortex, the seat of higher-order cognition; and greater connectivity across the default mode network. This network plays a role in processing memories and emotions’
It was clickbait for me! HYPEBAE has: Louis Vuitton's Monogram Yoga Mat Is the Ultimate Luxury You can apparently ‘elevate your daily workouts, or… turn heads at the gym’! Turn heads! It’s £1,500 ...