When I'm Back On Top, Back On Top In June

Dear Yogis

June is a busy and celebratory month! Father’s Day and International Yoga Day (IYD) are due to be celebrated on Sunday 18th of this month, next weekend. You could take your Dad, or someone’s dad, to the free IYD at Alexandra Palace. Cheap and cheerful and great fun... if the sun shines. (Here’s a present idea for non-yogic Dads.) The actual date of International Yoga Day is the 21st. Triyoga Camden will have a free class on the exact day at an unconfirmed time.

Another celebration and observation is Ramadan and there are just over two weeks to go of these long summer days of fasting. If you want to continue to practice yoga, take ‘restorative’ classes. In my Home studio you could come to the Monday and Tuesday calm, stretchy classes. If you go to your regular gym class, modify postures and skip vinyasas. As with every class and every yogi, use energy wisely, watch the breath and don’t bust a gut.

Home Studio

I’m so grateful for my own studio, however small. I can’t tell you how nice it is for me when you bring family members. There are spaces in Monday’s 6.00 class next week and in the Pregnancy yoga class on Tuesday at 6.00. Other classes are full so I’m putting on an extra Ashtanga class at 6.00 on Thursday. Please give plenty of fair notice to cancel. It’s getting hard to know how many mats to put down! You can use the link on your confirmation email to cancel. Also, when booking online, please make sure you click the 'Book' button to complete the booking process.


I made a mistake and wrote about Andy Gill’s Bandha workshop in last week’s Friday Email. It’s tomorrow. So, if you fancy ‘Creating Structure In Your Practice’ with a fantastic teacher, come with me to Globe House in London Bridge. I have also signed up for an evening Yin Yoga for Yang Yogis with Marcus Veda tomorrow. Marcus is a Rocket Yoga teacher and he's all kinds of tough and testing. Yin with him is a serious proposition. This Sunday my dearest yogi sister, Lisa Maarit who teaches with me in Kythera, is part of a charity day of yoga in Stockbridge. It’s at Stockbridge Town Hall, just outside Winchester. The schedule is here. On the 24th, Jenny Fearnley at Yoga West is teaching the whole of the Primary Series. She’s a wonderful teacher.

Yoga in the news

I thought this was fun from The Telegraph: Yoga quiz: can you spot which of these poses are real, and which we've made up?

Have a calm and lovely weekend.