Kalimera from Kythera

Dear Yogis

Kalimera from my favourite spot in the world, Kythera in Greece. One day I will run a yoga studio here! It’s a place where I yearn to bring anyone who is special to me and it’s a place where fantastic yoga can be found, thanks to Kiros Tzannes. He has been our guest teacher on our Kapsali retreats of the past two years. If you are looking for a holiday suggestion, come to Kythera and take daily classes with Kiros. Tell him I sent you!  For the class timetable and directions email him at: kithiraaikido@yahoo.gr. He also invites his own teacher, Kristina Karitinou , to hold workshops here every year. Come with me for the next one!

It’s a joy to get to know this island and practice yoga here. I know more people in class here than I could ever know in a London studio: Sara the herbalist from MylopotomosMaria Schina the artistAntonis from Banda LandraDimitri from Aerides gift shop in Chora, neighbour Pauline and next-door neighbour Harry in the village of Friligianika. If you come here you’ll see how enchanting this island is.

I’ll be running an Ashtanga retreat here next year at some point after September 15 (low season). Let me know if you might be interested in a less intense retreat and I’ll do a second retreat, depending on interest.

Home Studio

Back to normal next week. There are still a few places including on Bank Holiday Monday. Book a class. Pregnancy yoga on Tuesday at 6.00 is into its third week, If you know anyone who might be interested, please pass this email on. The next obliteration of home studio classes will be during the first week of August when I fly to Finland to study with Manju Jois.

Social Media

The first time I got Eight-Angle Pose (Astavakrasana) I got a fellow yogi to take a picture of me. The first time I got Bhujapidasana: Shoulder-Pressing Pose, I wished I had someone to take a picture of me. I completely understand if you want to take photos in class. It’s ok to take a break from meditation! In a corporate class your work colleagues are unlikely to object to photos but a gym class is different. If you’re also a member of a running club or boxing ring I can come and teach you there – you can even book a photographer. Come to my home studio and I’ll take a photo of you from a particularly fine angle.

Free Yoga

A wonderful yogi sent a review of a free Lululemon classe: It's a very popular class. There must have been at least 50 folk in attendance and even then not all the mats were taken! They use the shop floor which has lovely high ceilings which l really liked. They had two teachers; one leading the practice and the other assisting. The assistant was very attentive. Her job was to make sure we were doing the poses correctly so she walked round and gently corrected poses. I'd recommend it. I'll definitely be going again”.