AntiGravity ProYoga

Dear Yogis

I was asked this week about AntiGravity Aerial Yoga and if it is a fad or not. One way to find out is to give it a go - perhaps with my teacher - and see if you feel better. The inventor of Antigravity yoga is Christopher Harrison, a dancer, choreographer, gymnast, tumbling specialist, fitness instructor, yogi and inventor. He came across yoga when due to perform in India but his body broke down after years of injury and surgery. He says that “transition from hard and fast to slow and mindful was not easy”. His influences have a strong foundation; Sivananda and Iyengar. It would be fair to see his interpretation of yoga as another branch in the evolving story of yoga.

Home Studio

Classes this week in my little studio really showed the yin and the yang of practice. Sometimes you have breakthroughs, sometimes cramp comes along to rob you of your postures. Sometimes the heart opens, the chakras are on fire and you are one with the universe, sometimes the back twinges and gives up and the class is over before it’s begun. This is the way with yoga as it is in life. This week we had newcomers, regulars, runners and chanters, tired supine yogis and happy headstanders. All human life was here. Get on the magic mat and join us.


The Light Centre Islington is having a sale of props you might be interested in. They have some ‘barely used props’ to sell for cash only. It’s on Tuesday 11th April 2-6pm. Here is what they are offering: Flat blocks - £3; Bricks - £3, Belts - £3, Bolsters - £20, Blankets - £10.

Lovely Feedback

I have mastered headstand. As always the first time I was up I got too excited and came with a thud!!  I am now up to three calm breaths and a controlled decent all in the middle of the room and unsupported!”

“Your words about 'releasing the chatter of the mind' really struck a chord: I experienced this 'letting go' of that chatter during a pose you taught us involving our head, leg and a belt. Letting go into the belt and floating for a few breaths hit the spot on lots of levels- that pose stayed with me for at least the rest of the day.” 

Yoga in the news

When I look for yoga in the news an array of crazy stories come up like Goat Yoga, Cat Yoga, Yoga and Cannabis, Yoga on the London to Watford train, Heavy Metal Yoga. When I hosted a radio programme I had a silly news slot. It should have been a silly yoga news slot!

Luckily, we have The Telegraph break the latest news, that Breathing deeply reverse engineers your mood by tricking your brain cells into thinking you are calm.  There are apparently ‘175 brain cells which spy on the breath and alter state of mind accordingly.


Join me this weekend! I’m spending the whole weekend at the Light Centre Moorgate training with Ambra Vallo, celebrated forest Yoga teacher, and Dan Peppiatt. The course is called ‘Safe Journey to Advanced Asana - An intensive journey.