All You Need Is Love (and Yoga)
/Dear Yogis.
The treat of Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. As yogis, we are completely suited to a day of love – this is almost our day. Heart chakras spontaneously pop open up and down the land in yoga classes. After all, we are all about the truer self, the broader consciousness, the higher mind, the deeper connection and a whole lot of devotion (Bhakti). We’ve got this love thing down to a ‘T’. We get this from our hippy forebears. In my experience, love is a much broader and deeper tarn (!) the more you delve into yoga. You just seem to have more love to give - probably because you've joined a positive and supportive community. According to the wonderful teacher Scott Johnson from Stillpoint, yoga is all about relationships: how we respect each other, grow with each other and support one’s something we just naturally end up doing as yogis.
Valentine’s Day
To share the patron saint of love day with someone, Yoga West is offering the chance to take someone you love for free. Any amount of yoga clothing brands make a declaration of love on the torso! Take a look at the Yoga Rebel website. For the guys, Bad Yogi T shirts have been making an appearance in the studios, and look cool and funny!
Home Studio
Stretchy joy and sweaty zeal on the mat this week. Ashtanga on Thursday was taught courtesy of a John Scott DVD leaving me to run around adjusting, and leaving yogis spent and hugely deserving of a 10 minute savasana. If you fancy a yoga session that won’t wring you out like a wet rag, come on Monday and Tuesday. Those are the stretchier classes. Otherwise, Wednesday and Thursday are the classes for the vinyasa fans!
I’ll be training with Tim Feldmann in Triyoga Camden this weekend. (He and Kino MacGregor run the Miami Life Centre.) Come with me! I’m sure there’ll be space. He says "The body is the way to our spirit, to our true Self. That's what asana is for".