Squeezing For Glory

Dear Yogis

Have you discovered your bandhas yet? Are you squeezing for glory? Are you Mula Bandha-ing throughout the class? What is this thing that is supposed to be the secret of powerful postural practice? Some teachers say it is a subtle pelvic lift action; some say it’s a rock solid holding in what is dying to flood out. Sri K Pattabhi Jois apparently pinched the yogi’s anus to illustrate what to engage. I wonder if I would have submissively squeezed, instinctively yelped or shot up into the air in total bewilderment. Cue headline: ‘Yogi Launched Into Space Shock’. (Jivamukti co-founder David Life helps inform us properly in this article.) Uddiyana Bandha has an assortment of definitions too. The other bandha is... hmm... what’s it called again?

Luckily, Andy Gill has a calm and considered Bandha workshop next weekend: ‘Creating Structure In Your Practice’ where we will learn to let our ‘practice take on a more relaxed and effortless quality’. Fancy coming with me? Globe House in London Bridge is a lovely space to discover and practice in.

Home Studio

I can’t tell you the joy I have in teaching such a variety of yogis; newcomers, expectant mothers, whole families, father-with-daughter, runner-with-granddaughter and all combinations of family, friends and work colleagues. Thank you for all the joy you bring with you.

My little studio is imitating a Bikram Studio these days (without the smell)! I’ll order another fan, I have studio towels and there’s always water available. You might find more flexibility with the relaxing effect of heat in the body. Book a class. Private classes and Pregnancy yoga are cooler by definition – smaller or less dynamic classes. Pick a class; you’re very welcome here.

Yoga in the news

Here’s a lovely news story about a yoga teacher, Charlotta Martinus, who runs the Teen Yoga Foundation. After the Manchester terror attack she recruited yoga teachers from across the country to support Manchester’s school teachers and to offer free yoga classes in Manchester during half-term to give care and support for those in need. Here she is explaining on YouTube.

Have a lovely weekend. Calm yourself for the coming week!